She’s 110 years young

“I can still shake my butt,” Audrey says in an interview about her 110th birthday, which is Friday.

Audrey has stories about her grandfather, who served as a waterboy during the Civil War. She remembers Bess Truman and Eleanor Roosevelt arriving to lunch at the Daughters of the American Revolution, where Audrey served as a hostess.

Strong energy, this woman’s. Strong spirit.

A bit about Fiona

Fiona belongs to Sister Jane Frances, though Sister Jane herself would probably not agree. Fiona runs at her side, lies at her feet and waits for Sister Jane to finish her appointments. Sister Jane would tell you the dog belongs to the community. I think Fiona knows better.

Peace. Music. Retreats.

The fall issue of the Sisters of St. Francis magazine — waiting to be read.

Working with words and pictures

I do enjoy managing the Sisters of St. Francis Facebook page. Producing the magazine is also a delight.