Water’s healthy glow

Been having such enjoyable swims. Last night, I was feeling fast until those young whippersnapper swim team kids whipped right by me, over and over. Ha! I hung in, though, and finished in what was for me a respectable time.

Once a swimmer, always a swimmer.

Bury me in water

Just had some yummy granola given to me by Pat, a lifeguard at the Y where I swim. Delightful after an invigorating, very early swim (one slightly charged mile) and 45 minutes of water Tai Chi.

Another mile later today, maybe. Maybe.


Pool clues

My bed releases me to the pool, and the pool releases me to the day. Thereafter, productivity and peace. Happens every time. May I remember it.

Had a great talk with a woman at the Halloween candy section of the store this morning. She was buying candy to share with 29-year-old man whose leg was just amputated. She and her family learned he was living at Cherry Street Mission and swooped in to help him out. He’d gone to school with her son and, when he aged out of the foster care system, was simply on his own. She’s going to visit him this evening in the hospital dressed as a witch. In her cart were shirts and pants for him, too. Lovely story. Lovely heart.

Swim globally, shop locally

Most incredible. From TimesOnline: “A 56-year-old mother claims to have become the first woman to swim the Atlantic after an epic 24-day crossing in a shark cage.” That’s Jennifer Figge.  She’s a water person. I get it. I am, too. Still, swim the Atlantic? I probably won’t do that.

On the way home from work today, I decided to stop for lunch at The Original Sub Shop & Deli on Broadway. I like going there because the sandwiches are always good and Jackie is sometimes available for a chat. I like her commitment to growing local business through promoting local buying. Indeed, she and her husband are part of Toledo Choose Local, a coalition of local businessowners who are working very hard to help NW Ohio flourish economically.