Caroline, Gandhi and the angels

“Where it began, I can’t begin to know it, but then I know it’s growing strong. Was in the spring, and spring became the summer. Who’d have believed you’d come along.”

Swam a mile this morning. Stretched out and did Tai Chi in the therapy pool. Returned to the big pool to get my towel, etc., and this song was playing.

A lovely present for me, and it’s not even my birthday.

It is Gandhi’s and it is Caroline’s and, if you’re Catholic, you might know it’s the Feast of the Guardian Angels.

A mighty trio.

Special day, in every way

С Днем Рождения, чтобы моя прекрасная дочь и Ганди – и счастливый праздник для всех тех, ангелы-хранители.

Today is lovely, sunny and bright.


It’s Gandhi’s birthday and Caroline’s birthday and the Feast of the Guardian Angels.
