Sister Ginny Welsh’s good work

The Facebook pop-up memory feature is pretty great. When I saw what it delivered this morning on my newsfeed, I was quite delighted.

Here it is, an article and pictures about Tiffin Franciscan Sister Ginny Welsh’s good work in Toledo, OH.

Light’s varied sources

Summer slants its fine rays forward into winter’s
long, dark shadows.

We are pleased to know it will last

at least

a little



Very pleased our local newspaper answered with a “yes” my request that its religion editor write a story about Sister Shirley who, at age 59, became a Sister of St. Francis two days ago.

She is so happy, she lights up the room.

Yes to work

Just wrapped up fall issue of the Sisters of St. Francis’ magazine. Really enjoy magazine work. The process is wonderful. It taps into a lot of things I’ve learned about working with words and pictures over the years. Feeling blessed.

And the Sisters of St. Francis Community is thriving these days. Nine new associates, two novices, one making her final profession this Sunday and one in the pipeline to make hers next year. Pretty remarkable. And quite a wonderful community of women.

I enjoy working for them — and with them.

Reaching out

Managing the Tiffin Sisters of St. Francis Facebook page is one of my more pleasant duties. Marketing the page is a challenge — so you can imagine my delight when a new “like” appears. We usually get about 5-10 a week.

It’s a new-ish page so we’re pleased with that.