Moving on

My neighbors love the water. Every summer, they travel by boat to the North Channel in Canada. Last year, they spent five months traveling through Lakes Michigan and Superior. Today, they’re holding a sale in the home they sold a month ago. They’re moving on and will live on their boat year-round in Florida.

“It’s so freeing,” Jan said. “We love getting rid of all this stuff.”

I bought a two-person tent, some beach towels, three books and some dishes for my niece.

I love the idea of divesting and living a minimalist life. Indeed, one of those tiny houses sounds very good to me. As does living on a boat year-round.


Louise Penny and social media

Louise Penny’s brightening up the world with her engaging, fun, well-written books about a fictitious Canadian village full of fabulous characters. She can write. And, she keeps winning awards.

She also manages her own social media channels, which I really appreciate because many authors do not manage theirs. And, she does a great job of not trying too hard to manage her reputation. God help us when writers do THAT.

Go, Louise.

Oh, and, by the way, on her site is a section about getting published. How lovely that she shares tips.

Billy Collins, gifted with words

When I read something beautiful about Canada, I want to share it. Like this poem, by the gifted Billy Collins.

Oh, Canada.

His eye lights up the world

Always happy to spread the word about Dave Brosha Photography. He’s a gift to Canada — and to the rest of us.

A swim a day


Because it’s just a bad idea to swim alone in open water, I tie a kayak to my ankle and set off. Favorite spot to swim is here, the North Channel, Canada.

Daily swims are going well. Not long — but getting there. With a little help from a trainer, I’m working on core strength and flexibility.

My body was made to move. Sitting all day at a computer is taking its toll. Fighting back — hard.

His eye transcends reality

More than happy to share Dave Brosha Photography’s Flickr moment. This man’s eye is golden.

Snow trees by Robbie Craig

snow trees

Don’t actually know what Robbie Craig titled this piece, but I love it. You may follow him at Robbie Craig’s Northern Projects. So talented.

Ontological debate

If being is, then God is. At least, I think so. But, if someone were to tell me today that everything I think I know is unknowable or that everything I think is right, is wrong, I wouldn’t be at all surprised.

The older I get, the less I know.

On the other hand, no one could convince me that my spirit does not rise to meet the beauty of the woods and water.